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I have learnt a lot over the last two years.

Mind you, I think I'm not the only one.

It's as though the pseudopandemic has been a box called Pandora, that has not been opened, but ripped and torn apart.



That said, the aforementioned enlightenment appears only to apply to a minority of people. But that is expected, as Ghent University's Professor Of Psychology, Mattias Desmet, said.

Majority of people are blissfully ignorant.

Which isn't an insult, as I've come to learn.

It's actually a feature of our human design; part of our evolutionary adaptive processes.

However, tinkering around at the unenlightened edges of the blissfully ignorant majority is also a feature of human design.

Which is where great individuals like Robert F Kennedy junior come in, as well as Mark McDonald and Michael Esfeld and John Titus.

The list goes on.

Something else I've learnt is that left-right politics no longer matter.

Or perhaps they never did. I don't know. But, from where I'm sitting, democracy is dead and what seems to matter more is the very real war between sovereignty and technocracy.

Technocracy is a term that is somewhat interchangeable with globalism, but I use the former because it sounds cooler and because I'm currently reading a superb book about its history and present implementation.

Being forced with a harmful injection is a violation of sovereignty, while the United Nations' Sustainable Development trojan horse goal is technocracy (and, as such, a violation of sovereignty).

Upcoming podcast guests will break apart technocracy. (If you want to know why vaccine passports have nothing to do with health, and why climate lockdowns are part of Agenda 2030, then become a member to see the podcast schedule.)




Another lesson I've learnt is that everybody believes they're correct.

This was highlighted to me by Portland University's Peter Boghossian, whose excellent book How To Have Impossible Conversations had a significant impact on me.

The current, politically correct trend is to silence those with whom we disagree. The corporate media enjoys propagandising the term "disinformation", assuming the self-righteous and utterly repulsive position of truth arbiter.



If everybody believes they're correct, then how do I engage meaningfully (since I also believe I'm correct)?

Trying to find common ground rather than censoring, says Peter.

Unfortunately, the thought police disagree.



Having said that, here's yet another thing I've learnt. 

Suppression perpetuates emergence.

For example, YouTube banned my channel. Did it quieten me? No. I simply moved my videos to a more robust platform that is built on blockchain technology and extremely difficult to censor.


Odysee also runs on open-source software that is driven by public developers, not managed by corporate tech giants. The data itself remains secure through a vast distributed, transparent, and traceable network. On the other hand, this public dimension means that open-source data is not subject to regulation by government authority or industry.


Suppression perpetuates emergence.

Here's one last lesson for the road. I am neither left-wing nor right-wing.

I'm the middle finger.





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PPPPPS: I've learnt a lot more, which I'll share in future War Reports.