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A simple question for you.

If you've been jabbed, then why do you believe you're better off than me (who isn't jabbed)?

Let me put it another way.

Since I refuse to be injected with a mysterious mRNA cocktail that has no long-term safety trials, the chances of me experiencing negative side effects from it are zero.


However, the chances of you experiencing negative side effects from it, are over 900 times higher, and that's just based on extremely conservative VAERS data just within the United States. Once you begin factoring in the many reporting systems other than VAERS, the 900 figure rockets into the thousands.

In fact, no vaccine rollout, in history, has been this deadly.



For context, during the swine flu vaccine rollout, everything was stopped after 12 people died.



Over 10,000 deaths related to the Covid jab, in America alone, have been reported. And that's from one of many reporting systems.

Tonight, on my podcast, I will be joined by (yet another) doctor whose resesarch is revealing increased health risks related to mRNA biotechnology in pregnant women.



(To ask her questions, you'll need to be a member, which you can do here.)

If you are pregnant and you get a Covid jab, then you are endangering the health of both you and your baby. Why would a mother willingly do that?

Because she has been duped by government propaganda.

One of MIT's highest ranked researchers, Dr Stephanie Seneff, explained to me what Covid jabs do to the reproductive organs.


But, Jerm, it's the minority.

It is true that the majority of "vaccinated" people appear to be fine.

For now.

Nobody knows what the long-term effects are, since every human is officially part of the largest clinical trial ever, and we're only in phase three (which, according to Pfizer, will end during 2023), after which the next trial phase begins.

The "vaccinated" is the one control group. The "unvaccinated" is the other control group.

Dr Judy Mikovits (one of the world's leading retrovirus resesrchers), who will return to my podcast soon, strongly believes that the mRNA biotechnology being injected into everybody, is going to cause a spike in cancer in the coming years.

As it happens, the NIH (of which Tony Fauci is the big cheese), predicts exactly that.



Of course, it's just a coincidence again.

The inventor of mRNA biotechnology is Robert Malone, and he is very worried too. Since he invented mRNA biotechnology, what would he know, right?

Meanwhile, we were also told that graphine oxide is not in the Covid jabs. The fact-checkers were all over it, silencing and censoring (because they're paid to protect the narrative).




Reuters didn't like the Spanish study, so they tried to dismiss it as "fake news". But an American biochemist and his team confirmed the Spanish study a few months later.

Since the narrative of denial is falling apart, it is now predictably shifting towards graphene oxide being included in vaccines and that it's "safe and effective" (because they love repeating that phrase).



So, again, I ask my question.

If the Covid "vaccine" science is clearly not settled, then why do you believe you're better off than me?

If you get the jab, then your health risks increase all over the place.

If I don't get the shot, then my health risks remain exactly as they are.

Logically, my choice not to get the shot is more sound than your choice to get the shot.

And the best part?

I follow a low-carb diet; I lift weights; I spend time outside; I enjoy time with my family and friends; and I don't live in fear.




PS: Please support my work.

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PPPPS: If you'd like to unsubscribe, then don't do it here.

PPPPPS: If you want Covid to vanish, then ignore the media.